The Israeli press notes that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and maverick Defense Minister Ehud Barak have been talking up a possible Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities.
No one knows if the two are just trying to create a threatening environment for Iran, in hopes of intimidating Tehran on a range of issues, or if they are preparing Israeli public opinion for an actual strike. The problem with talking big to scare an enemy, if that is the tactic, is that the talk can spiral into action whether one likes it or not. (This mistake was probably what got Gamal Abdel Nasser into the 1967 war: Israeli hawks such as Moshe Dayan took advantage of his saber rattling to launch an attack, which could be portrayed as preemptive.)
Former Israeli intelligence chief Meir Dagan revealed last spring that he and other security officials had forestalled a Netanyahu-Barak crazy scheme to hit Iran, about a year ago. Dagan said that an attack on Iran was “the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”
En deze wordt nog apocalyptischer dan Irak. De neo-conservatieven en de bible-belters zijn er helemaal klaar voor.Volgens de berichten is de enige hoop dat het Israelische leger niet zo'n trek lijkt te hebben in dit suicidale scenario.
Wat blijkt hieruit?
Dat ik oud begin te worden: vroeger bekommerde ik mij nooit om rampen die nog komen moesten wanneer ik er hoegenaamd niets aan kon doen.
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