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UNCTAD, as the only multilateral economic agency focused on development, has emerged as one of the leading critics of "finance-led globalisation", positing "development-led globalisation" as the needed alternative policy focus of global economic governance.
Therein lies the fight. Not surprisingly, those institutions currently in charge of these matters, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), are reluctant to share the governance space with UNCTAD.
While all of these institutions are dominated by the same rich country governments whose failed policies and unrestrained private sectors led the world into the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression, UNCTAD is an institution known for not only having predicted the crisis, but also for not being afraid of suggesting alternative-to-the-Washington-Consensus solutions.
Just to be clear: the only reason that there is a fight, is because UNCTAD's excellent, prescient, and influential work is seriously threatening - but only to those individuals and institutions that caused the crisis, and are still benefitting from it.
En vooral deze komt goed in mijn straatje te pas als bewijs dat ik in elk geval niet de enige ben die paranoide is als ik meen een europese samenzwering te ontwaren om de verzorgingsstaat af te breken.
Keep in mind that the European authorities - meaning the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission - along with the IMF, are imposing the anti-growth, inequality-exacerbating policies which have been long suffered by developing countries on the receiving end of the IMF's structural adjustment mandates - on their own people, in the current failed policy crisis in the eurozone.
As my colleagues at the Center for Economic and Policy Research and others have pointed out, the European authorities could end the self-imposed crisis tomorrow if they engaged in the same kind of monetary and fiscal expansionary (counter-cyclical) policies that the BRICS undertook. (But alas, this would rob the elites of the opportunity to impose structural reforms - meaning the evisceration of the traditional European social safety net - which is the underlying goal of their austerity-focused policies.)
In de V.S. wordt trouwens tamelijk breed hoofdschuddend gekeken naar het hardnekkige afknijpbeleid van al die "eurokraten met een Duits accent"
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